Employee Wellness Program
10K-A-Day is an invitation to step it up — to at least 10,000 a day. Now you can go the extra mile with your fitness walking commitment by joining a team, a fun and motivating way to move more.
Let The Fun Begin!
Starting May 2,2022, take a fun-filled walking tour to some of the world’s most fascinating cities — and step up your fitness along the way. Each day, you’ll stop at amazing hot spots with postcard-perfect images and bet-you-didn’t-know descriptions as you earn points for recording steps.
Motivating Exercise
You’ll visit a new city as you take this motivating trek to better overall health — boosting energy, improving mood, and lowering the risk of many chronic conditions.
Use A Device
To make it even easier, you can use a tracking device to record your steps. Just put the wireless activity tracker on in the morning, sync it with your computer or app, and your steps will automatically load to your 10K-A-Day account.
Start A Team
We need team leaders to jump-start this campaign. If you’d like to:
- Recruit others to join you in 10K-A-Day
- Enjoy camaraderie and support
- Inspire others to boost physical activity
- Gain inspiration to meet your own goals…
then you’d be an excellent team leader. Contact Helen Whelan at [email protected] to learn more about the team competition or register at https://lifebridge.10kaday.com; then click Team under the Community tab and read how it works.
Get ready to move toward a healthier you… 10K-A-Day is coming soon!
Interested? Complete the form below to receive updates and information about the 10K-A-Day program when available.
Registration starts APRIL 25th.